Job Growth Series
SLATE-Z presents the second even it its Job Growth Series, focusing on youth in South Los Angeles.
Join us for this free event with a morning of discussions, networking, and learning about advancing employment prospects for youth in our community!
Event Objectives:
Strategize ways to increase the number of living wage jobs/careers in South Los Angeles by supporting youth in South Los Angeles.
Develop mutually beneficial pathways for partners focused on Youth job growth.
Understand common roadblocks to accomplish our goals and agree on solutions.
Build a village of support for workers and readiness.

Hispanic Heritage Month Community Celebration
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with us at a vibrant community event honoring the rich culture and contributions of the Hispanic and Latinx communities. Join us for an afternoon filled with live performances, delicious free food, and giveaways! This family-friendly celebration will also feature a resource fair with organizations providing information on healthcare, housing, environmental justice, immigration, social services, and government agenies to support our community.
Please register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hispanic-heritage-month-community-event-tickets-1029076424287?aff=oddtdtcreator

Q3 Transit Workgroup Meeting
Register here:

Q3 Merge Meeting: Jobs & Education
Register here:

July Steering Commitee meeting
Direct any questions to Vanesa Iñiguez at: Vanesa@slatez.org

The Tay Experience Wellness Expo
Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdi9kqjCtIPrqATHdqo1K5C1RLqajs648r7nCeGCHs6ITOB_A/viewform
For any questions, contact: bowenj@dcfs.lacounty.gov
SLATE-Z Small Business and Entrepreneurship Workgroup Meeting
To join this workgroup meeting, please email the Operations Associate, Joelle Sabater, at operations@slatez.org to register. The meeting materials will shared closer to the convening date.
Jobs (Workforce Development) Workgroup Meeting
To join this workgroup meeting, please email the Operations Associate, Joelle Sabater, at operations@slatez.org to register. The meeting materials will shared closer to the convening date.
SLATE-Z Transit Workgroup
To join this workgroup meeting please email, Stephanie Ramirez, Director of Programs & Initiatives, at stephanie@slatez.org to register. A meeting agenda will be shared closer to the convening date.
SLATE-Z Jobs Workgroup Meeting
To join this workgroup meeting please email, Stephanie Ramirez, Director of Programs & Initiatives, at stephanie@slatez.org to register. A meeting agenda will be shared closer to the convening date.
SLATE-Z Transit Workgroup Meeting
To join this workgroup meeting please email, Tyresa Jackson, Operations Associate, at oeprations@slatez.org to register. A meeting agenda will be shared closer to the convening date.
SLATE-Z Event: Small Business and Entrepreneurship (SBE) Workgroup Meeting
To join this workgroup meeting email Tyresa Jackson, Operations Associate at @operations@slatez.org to register. A meeting agenda will be shared closer to the convening date.
SLATE-Z Education Workgroup Meeting
To join this workgroup meeting email Tyresa Jackson, Operations Associate at @operations@slatez.org to register. A meeting agenda will be shared closer to the convening date.
SLATE-Z Event: Small Business and Entrepreneurship (SBE) Workgroup Meeting
To join this workgroup meeting email Tyresa Jackson, Operations Associate at @operations@slatez.org to register. A meeting agenda will be shared closer to the convening date.

Transit Workgroup Meeting
To join this workgroup meeting email Michael, Michael Diaz, to register. A meeting agenda will be shared closer to the convening date.

Transit Workgroup Meeting
To join this workgroup meeting email Michael, Michael Diaz, to register. A meeting agenda will be shared closer to the convening date.

Small Business and Entrepreneurship Work Group Meeting
To join this workgroup meeting email Nicole Nicole Greenfield, to register. A meeting agenda will be shared closer to the convening date.

Jobs Workgroup Meeting
To join this workgroup meeting, Email Miriam Palma Trujillo, operations@slate.org, to register. A meeting agenda will be shared closer to the convening date.