Zahirah Mann, SLATE-Z President & CEO

South Los Angeles Transit Empowerment Zone (SLATE-Z) is a historic and unprecedented cross-sector collective impact effort with over 100 public, private, academic, and community partners.

Our mission is to revitalize South Los Angeles by moving residents to economic opportunity.

We envision a South LA that is a safe, healthy place to live, play, grow, and thrive. We are building a climate-resilient community with a dynamic local economy, living wage jobs, high-achieving students, safe streets, green spaces, and accessible public transportation.

“The SLATE-Z plan is rooted in strategies for ensuring physical and economic mobility for geographically and economically isolated communities. It will succeed by building strong public and private pathways between educational and job training agencies so more students receive a high-quality education that leads to long-term educational and career success. This investment in education will attract high-growth sectors that create living wage jobs and align education, career, and job-training initiatives along South L.A.’s transit corridors. It also aims to build neighborhood economies, safer communities, and healthy families and individuals.”
— U.S. Ambassador Eric Garcetti

March 2023