Universal Basic Mobility Pilot Program wins SCAG "Outstanding Achievement in Sustainability" award
South Los Angeles Transit Empowerment Zone (SLATE-Z) is a historic and unprecedented cross-sector collective impact effort with over 100 public, private, academic, and community partners.
Our mission is to revitalize South Los Angeles by moving residents to economic opportunity.
We envision a South LA that is a safe, healthy place to live, play, grow, and thrive. We are building a climate-resilient community with a dynamic local economy, living wage jobs, high-achieving students, safe streets, green spaces, and accessible public transportation.

In September 2023, SLATE-Z and its Partners gathered to map-out the implementation of transformative projects and plans funded by CA Strategic Growth Council’s Round 4 Transformative Climate Communities grant.

Building climate resilience through community engagement with SLATE-Z’s Program Partners Bike LA, CicLAvia, and STEP UBM Resident Advisory Committee Member Yolanda Davis Overstreet.

April 21, 2023

SLATE-Z’s Project Analyst Ruth Morales walks the SLATE-Z Steering Committee through year one of STEP Universal Basic Mobility (UBM) Pilot Project in South LA

In March 2023, SLATE-Z joined LAEDC, CA Community Foundation (CCF), and other key stakeholders across the state at the Community Economic Resilience Fund (CERF) Kick-Off in Sacramento.

In 2022, SLATE-Z helped pass CA Senate Bill 1052 (Kamlager), which expands the territory of the Baldwin Hills Conservancy to include the South LA Promise Zone.

The Baldwin Hills Conservancy is working with SLATE-Z and Climate Resolve to develop an inclusive community resilience and access plan for the Baldwin Hills Parklands.

SLATE-Z discusses with the CA Strategic Growth Council Transformative Climate Communities Panelists, South LA’s strong partnership and commitment to transforming South LA into a green oasis.

Public Representatives and Key Community Stakeholders breaking ground on Slauson Blvd.

CEO Stephanie Wiggins welcoming guests to South LA’s historic Rail to Rail Groundbreaking event.

Zahirah Mann, SLATE-Z’s President & CEO, giving remarks at LA Metro’s Rail to Rail Groundbreaking event.

In April 2022, President & CEO Zahirah Mann and Councilmember Curren Price Jr. gave remarks about what a Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP) in South LA means to its residents.

Resident Advisory Committee Member Alejandra Alvarez speaks about her transportation experience and why it is important to sit at the decision-making table.

Resident Advisory Committee Member Ingrid Rivera-Guzman discusses how being a part of the STEP UBM Steering Committee is helping bring a level of visibility to residents’ everyday experiences.

SLATE-Z’s Executive Committee celebrates SLATE-Z’s award of a $15,000 grant as part of Councilmember Price's Community Grant Program.

Two of SLATE-Z's Foster Youth Subcommittee Co-Chairs: Kenta Estrada-Darley from the Coalition for Responsible Community Development and Jenny Serrano from LA County Department of Children and Family Services at the 2021 Foster Youth Committee Resource Fair where over 30 Foster Youth were connected to housing, financial and job support in preparation for their transition out of services.

SLATE-Z and its partners from LATTC, NextUp, Guardian Scholars, CRCD , DCFS and LA OYC joined over 60 student service counselors and staff from LAUSD's Central District for an engaging and informative cross training focused on resources for foster youth.

SLATE-Z and its partners from LATTC, NextUp, Guardian Scholars, CRCD, DCFS and LA OYC joined over 60 student service counselors and staff from LAUSD's Central District for an engaging and informative cross training focused on resources for foster youth.

In November 2021, SLATE-Z joined Climate Resolve to host a site visit to the Baldwin Hills Parklands for the Baldwin Hills Conservancy Resident Advisory Committee! Here, the RAC committee was able to identify the changes they would like to see in the Parklands.

Veronica Melvin, President & CEO of LA Promise Fund and SLATE-Z Executive Committee Co-Chair, speaks on the importance of this critical initiative.

2022 Press Conference of the launch of Universal Basic Mobility

Rail to Rail Groundbreaking, July 2022

Co-Chair Convening, February 2024

Steering Committee Mixer, 2023

Gratitude for NAF Participation

““The SLATE-Z plan is rooted in strategies for ensuring physical and economic mobility for geographically and economically isolated communities. It will succeed by building strong public and private pathways between educational and job training agencies so more students receive a high-quality education that leads to long-term educational and career success. This investment in education will attract high-growth sectors that create living wage jobs and align education, career, and job-training initiatives along South L.A.’s transit corridors. It also aims to build neighborhood economies, safer communities, and healthy families and individuals.””
March 2023